Sunday, December 13, 2009

I like smiling, smiling's my favorite!

I'm so glad that I finally watched Elf in its entirety last year so that (INTERCEPTION!!!!) I could fully appreciate all of the quotes that made appearance last night during Christmas Win, Lose, or Draw. But nothing beat Hilary's attempt to draw "Make the Yuletide Gay." And secondary props to Sue for knowing at least the first five words to "Bring a torch Janette Isabella."

During confession last night, Father suggested that I take notice of God's blessings in my life and acknowledge those things for which I am grateful. I missed any semblance of a Thanksgiving post, so I'm going to do a brief list of graces here.

*For laughter, and great friends to share it with. "I think you should eat your dog now."

*For a sister who convinced me to go to confession. And kept my mind off my burning legs on our run yesterday.

*For MLIA. I realize I'm a nerd, but it makes me laugh.

*For a functional fireplace and Christmas music. Yay for the holidays.

*For a stable job. Even if I do have to work the next 10 days in a row. And for 40-hour work weeks.

*For funny Mastercard commercials.

*For Sundays. Football. Scrambled eggs. Coffee. Slippers. Sugar Cookies decorated like Our Lady of Guadalupe.

There are many more things and people and events that make my life more blessed. But I'm having trouble focusing while watching the Bronco game. You knew I was watching because of the interception comment, which incidentally was worthless because of a 15-yard penalty that pushed us out of field-goal range. Stupid helmet rules.

I reserve the right to make this blog as worthless to read as I feel like, and also to write as infrequently as I deem necessary. Just thought I'd let you know since I finally decided to share my blog.